Your Uninstaller! is a free, but ad-supported uninstallation application that's straightforward, well-designed, advanced, efficient and reliable.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:
Uninstall programs, delete registry entries, create system restore points. Screenshot of Your Uninstaller! - 880px · 702pxScanning operations and automatic registry entry detection. Screenshot of Your Uninstaller! - 660px · 476pxStraightforward layout. Screenshot of Your Uninstaller! - 865px · 679pxUninstall programs using different modes. Screenshot of Your Uninstaller! - 610px · 519pxStartup manager, disk cleaner, file shredder and other features. Screenshot of Your Uninstaller! - 695px · 547pxAutomatic restore point creation. Screenshot of Your Uninstaller! - 674px · 516px